Saturday, March 15, 2008


Well, mommy did it up right! I have been cutting little ones finger and toe nails for seven years now and not one time did I draw blood, until now. I was trimming Maggie's fingernails last night and she lunged forward (thats right, it was Her fault) and snip!!! Almost cut the tip of her thumb off......she screamed, I screamed (on the inside ). Thanks to some great friends (Ken and Connie) with good advice and soothing words the flight evac to LeBonheur was called off. It bled for a few hours, but just like Ken and Connie assured me, she did not bleed out!!! I took the kids to have Easter pictures made with a live bunny today. That was quite an adventure! Turner got to hold Maggie in his lap and Rhys got to hold the bunny (brave little bunny). Well, bunny ended up pooping and Rhys was squishing it in his hands!!! So, got him all cleaned up and pictures done (without the bunny, I might add). Good times!! Good thing we are celebrating our risen Savior! We made it through the day and the little darlings are all tucked into bed. Good night and God bless.........................


Holly said...

Been there done that!! My mom almost cut Grant's finger off when he was little. She says I have never forgiven her. HA! I thought we were on our way to the ER too!! Glad to here Maggie is ok.

Stephanie Anderson said...

So glad to see you've entered the world of blogging! I can't wait to see more pics of the family! The boys have grown so much and that Maggie is so sweet! You're going to find that little girls are definitely different than boys...... Avery is such a stinker. I'm payin' for my raisin' for sure!

Love ya,